Our Clients Testimonials


Georgina was wonderful throughout the whole process, talking to us and helping us find the right puppy to bring home. Between picking him out and bringing him home, she kept us updated with photos, videos, and general updates. When we adopted him, the process was smooth and he clearly came from a loving environment. He's as well behaved as a puppy can be and is an absolute sweetheart.
Lily Granger​


Georgina is the BEST! We were looking to add a new little Dachshund to our family for years but were concerned about finding a responsible breeder that has genuine love for their dog and puppies. Georgina is responsible, loving, responsive, accommodating and talked though all of my questions and concerns! 5 stars all around! And a huge thank you to their puppy nanny service.
Jeson Foxx


We just adopted a beautiful toy red merle boy. He is sweet and calm, yet still playful and inquisitive. Pure joy to add to our family! We highly recommend Georgina Dachshsund Home, as the breeder has put so much obvious care, time and love into her dogs and puppies. Looking forward to coming back for more beauties when we can!, we wil recommend you services as much as we can.
Matty Ben


I just wanted to say thank you very much to georgina dachshsund home for such a marvelous puppy! Nessa is an amazing addition to our family. She is so smart and cuddly. She has managed the transition very well. Our dog Holly loves her. Of course Nessa, as with all puppies, loves to nip and chew. However, she was very gentle with our 14 month daughter. Thanks for the love, we will remember it for a very long time.
Ron Burnwood


After tying another breeder with no results my vet recommended I call georgina dachshsund home… what a difference, professional, caring, cheaper, a true lover of all dogs, gentle methods that had amazing results the transition has been so easy for max and he is doing well with our kids and even our kitten, our kids love him and pretty well fits in to our family. we want to thank Georgina for her puppies.
Judy Sewell


I approached georgina dachshsund home about purchasing one of their Dachshund puppies because their dogs are well behaved, beautiful and have great health records. I found the experience to be wonderful, my dog has a clean bill of health and a great temperament. I would recommend them to all forms of Dachshund lovers; he has an expansive knowledge and is always happy to help. I am a proud member of the family.
Anne Mcfadden